Diabetics do not make enough insulin or the body does not use all the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that makes possible for glucose (sugar) to permeate cells and then transformed to energy. The pancreas emits enzymes that aid carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. When the pancreas is dysfunctional then digestive enzymes are not provided for digestion. The condition imbalances the liver, gall bladder, spleen and all digestive related organs. During uncontrolled diabetes, glucose and fats stay in the circulatory system, where in time, the principal digestive organs become damaged and finally diseased.
- Seventeen million Americans are walking around with diabetes, and 200,000 people will die this year due to related complications. Diabetes sets up conditions for heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, leg and foot amputations, pregnancy complications, and deaths related to flu and pneumonia. At risk, are the 5.9 million Americans who are unaware that they have the condition.
- We spend $100 Billion a year on diabetes, directly and indirectly. In 1997, the normal health care outlay for someone with diabetes was ,071, contrasted with ,699 for an individual without diabetes.
- U.S. adults with diabetes increased 49% from 1990 to 2000. Beyond the next decade, diabetes is expected to grow.
- Diabetes is an epidemic. In 1990, there were only 4 U.S. states determined to be at epidemic levels. In 1995, the amount raised to 11. In 2000, there were only 6 states that were not at epidemic levels.
What happened to the other 44 states in 10 years? What is occuring in our country where a disease can over run us. Secretly, we are being plague by a force superior to any terrorist group. Is anyone paying attention? That’s more than 15 million plus people caught in the grips of this top level threat to our country. Where’s the equal level response by our government and medical establishment?
While insulin production and all the relevant symptoms in the body is a concern, to rest here and just declare the pancreas is the source of the ailment is not enough. Its a key element but not the whole. Some other factors:
Diet & Elimination: While diet plays another primary role in the story, reducing protein, carbs and sugar, soundly, helps but there is more to the setting that needs to be acknowledged. The quality of our food is less nutritious. Our U.S. sources have depleted the soil quality. Rather than re-establishing our soil with our elimination similar to other long life zones, the U.S. drains its precious elimination down the sewage lines to the oceans. As a result we have to look to natural sources of foods and diabetic herbs.
Life stressors: Stress wears down the life force. Are we experiencing more stress than our parents? Difficult to say. They survived World War II whereas we have been subjected to escalating undeclared wars, increasing amusement channels, artificially constructed anti-diseases,chemicals, taxes, etc. If, we try to measure up to these activities and not rest (physically, mentally, spiritually) then our adrenals-kidneys become deficient which houses our physical energy production. The result is that all of our organs do not have the energy to sustain.Consequently, when organs do not perform their functions and call for restoration, not separately but systemically prior to additional non-understood illnesses present.   Â
Character: Our ability to interpret, positively or negatively, may have a lot to say about our ability to manage personal conflict. If we see things positively then our perceptions and response is that we are challenged and figure out solutions. Once negative, then positive options may be overlooked because we are overwhelmed by fear. That high level of anxiety speeds up aging, perpetuates fear and opens the door to an unprotected immunity. We need to learn or relearn how find courage during stressful times. As we believe, we perceive, so shall our life follow. Â
For more on how find your way back to health go to Nutrition and  Chinese herbs for Diabetics   Diabetic Herbs