Losing weight is a challenge most overweight individuals are posed with, and getting to understand how to lose lower belly fat can be especially frustrating indeed. Even by eating right and doing our daily exercises, it’s sometimes not enough to get rid of lower belly fat. This makes it all the more difficult to lose lower belly fat, and most people are unsure what steps need to be taken to lose it after the overall weight loss they had effected. You must first study and analyze how your body functions, it is only then you can apply what you learn to get rid of lower belly fat effectively. Given here are a few tips to help you get started on how to lose lower belly fat and improve the rate of weight loss.
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Do your exercises when you wake up
If you really want to maximize your workouts, you have to do it early in the morning before breakfast. The prescribed exercises should be done soon after arising in the morning which is when the stomach is virtually empty and very susceptible to burning fat. The exercises increase the heart rate and the body’s metabolism, and start attacking the fat on the lower stomach as nothing else is there to burn. Keeping it simple is the key, combining exercises like jogging, push-ups, sit-ups for 20 to 30 minutes every morning is a great start. It would be a good idea to go ahead with an extensive overall workout since you are already at it. This will burn fat more efficiently throughout the body and more importantly in the lower belly region.
Exercises For Working the Lower Stomach
To lose lower belly fat is easy, just pick amongst the countless number of exercises available and stick to it. For example, doing leg lifts are a great way to tone and stregthen the abdominal muscles, whilst burning fat at the same time. To start with, lift the legs vertically in air, while lying on the floor flat on your back and with your hands behind the buttocks. When you lower your legs, tighten the abdomen and hold. Repeat this sequence of leg lifts every day between 10 – 20 times, and repeat the exercise 2 or 3 times to get the best results.
Another great exercise to lose lower belly fat is the reverse crunch. Lie on the floor on your back with hands clasped behind your head, then bend your knees and lift about 6 inches high from the floor. In this position, bring your knees gradually towards the chest and lift your buttocks off the ground, while tightening the abdomen simultaneously. Repeat the step daily 10 – 20 times, again repeat the exercise 2 or 3 times.
Before you read on, you might want to check out my tips on how to Lose Love Handles Fast.
Effects Of Water and Nutrition
By eating right and exercising daily, you will invariably get rid of your lower belly fat. Further, by drinking 8 glasses of water a day, you will clear your body’s toxins and increase your metabolism. Eating healthy foods, reducing your intake of sugars and adding fiber to your daily diet will assist greatly to reduce overall weight and to lose lower belly fat. Make sure you consume lots of fiber rich foods, which will improve your overall health and more importantly your body’s ability to function.
It takes patience, good nutrition and exercise to effect weight loss around the lower belly region. Though overnight weight loss is not possible, it is certainly possible with the correct combination!
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