Having man boobs (called ‘moobs’ for short) is about the worst thing I can imagine to make a man feel ugly and unattractive. Talk about having your self-esteem take a plunge! Men that have man boobs don’t want to remove their shirts to swim or workout (not to mention the more ‘intimate’ activities)! It can make you feel like you are revolting to the opposite sex, even though this may not be correct. Never fear, assistance is here! There are ways to get rid of those man boobs!  Read on….
One source of man boobs may be something called “Gynecomastia’,which is basically the overdevelopment of the male breast. This is triggered by an surplus of female hormone, or a lack of male hormone called testosterone. This causes the breast tissue to swell. If you feel that your man boobs are a result of gynecomastia, instead of being overweight-it would be best to consult your doctor.
One of the frequent causes of gynecomastia is being overweight, usually starting during adolescence. Males tend to add weight around their midsection, but many will store this fat around their chest area. Sometimes medications are to blame, by decreasing the production of testosterone, or increasing the production of estrogen.
Some find that if they add flaxseed oil to their diet, it assists with burning fat in the chest area. It also will help keep you regular. Of course, you need to consume a balanced diet including vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. Drink loads of water! It purifies your system, and helps to suppress your appetite. If you want to lose your man boobs, you have to seriously watch what you eat. Using fat burning foods will aid in the fat loss as well.
You are going to have to exercise if you want to lose your chest fat. Anaerobic exercises are the best option. Zero in on those man boobs, and destroy them! Performing weight lifting exercises will help you tone your chest, and burn that fat. One of the best workouts is to use the incline bench press. You will strengthen the flab around your nipples, and acquire a greater amount of muscle mass this way.
Herbal supplements are endorsed by some to reduce man boobs. Make sure you research any of these products before you purchase them, and make sure you are receiving the best products, and not squandering your cash. You may also want to check with your physician before taking these, as some have been known have possible risks, depending on their ingredients. Especially if you have any health issues.
Man boobs are not something that anyone desires. But do not give up, there is hope. Don’t expect to get rid of them overnight. You will need to go slow, and eat right. Add the right exercise program, and you will lose those man boobs, and get that great chest you want.
Get Help with Losing Man Boobs