Hey guys, it’s time to get your acts together! Now that you’ve spent a fortune on fitness books and and DVD’s, it’s time to stop whining about still being fat and flabby. Just joining a gym and buying stuff isn’t going to make you fit and healthy – you have to do the workouts if you want results!
Let’s start with you men. You take a look in the mirror and decide that it’s time to buy an e-book about washboard abs so you can look like the guy on the cover. Then you print it and put a staple through the pages. After all that work, you decide its time for a break, so you grab some erotic comics and a snack and sit down and read for awhile. Six months later, the workout manual is in the same place you left it before.
You girls are just as bad. You had an excuse not to work out while you waited for your aerobics DVD to come in the mail, but what about after that? You were pretty excited when it came, so you sat down with a box of chocolates and watched it from beginning to end. The next day, you watched it again while you worked on your Disney scrapbook. Now it’s been so long since you used it that you can’t find it.
Both you guys and you girls have probably been faithfully paying a gym membership as part of your exercise regime. You go in once a month, pay for the entire month and while you’re there, have a quick warm-up on the exercise bike. You’re not really in the mood for a workout, though, so you vow to come back the next day.
They must love you both at the gym. You make life so easy for them. You, along with so many others, pay them for something you don’t use. It costs them nothing to take your money and you give it to them so freely!
What you do with your body is nobody’s business but yours. Just keep it that way, okay? Stop whining about how nothing you’ve tried works. It doesn’t work if you don’t use it. You don’t lose weight by thinking about it and you don’t get strong by going to a personal massager. You do that after you’ve had a good weight training session and have earned a good massage. What ever made you think that having your flab massaged would make it go away?
Have you got the picture yet? Stop complaining and get to work or just stop whining and get back to your comics and scrapbooks. If you really want to get fit, you’ll do it!