Some products on the market simply will not work, as they do not contain ingredients that have been proven to promote weight loss, or contain too little active ingredient to be effective. The most general bad diet pills, the ones with the worst bad side effects, are not surprisingly those that are prescribed. In actuality, many aides that are safe diet pills, as well as effective, are those that are derived from the natural ingredients that prescriptions try to mimic with synthetic substances.
The medical world created quite a stir when the magic of diet pills intervened and successfully reported 5 to 10% of body weight loss! These pills though considered phenomenal in the weight reduction program yet they are meant only for short term usage and are used in conjunction with diet restriction and exercise. In all, prescription diet pills are not stand alones in weight loss management and to understand their basic nature we will have to study the basic nature of anorectic drugs.
Don’t think, just because they are recommended by your doctor does not mean they are save diet pills for you. You can also gain knowledge of different warning signs and dangers diet pills present. Call them up, speak to a representative and see how forthcoming they are about the diet pills and their ingredients. A manufacturer of safe diet pills should have nothing to hide.
It is sad, that even with all of today’s technology, there are companies producing and marketing bad diet pills that are either harmful, not effective or both.
Drug therapy in weight loss program is always used along with exercise regimen and diet control. It is an ongoing struggle and therefore used only in extreme cases of obesity with a BMI over 30. There is no magic in reaching ideal or dream weight and these exist only in utopian fantasy! The only way of dealing with obesity is having a strong support system to help one fight the battle with patience and sincerity.