These two foods that I am going to talk about will no doubt surprise you! Many folks think that these 2 foods are really fine and healthful, and assist with losing fat. Not true, and here is why.
Now, we’re not talking about Trans fats, or high fructose corn syrup (they are truly harmful for you). Fruit juices and wheat products are the 2 foods that I’m talking about.
Read on…
First we’re going to discuss wheat products:
I’m talking about crackers, pasta, muffins, bagel, most cereals, and most bread.Plus, all those “whole wheat’ products that claim to be healthy and good for dropping weight. These are high fat foods. Many folks also have intolerance to the gluten found in wheat and other grains. Most people do not know that we were never meant to consume a great deal of wheat products. Up until the last 80-100 years, wheat was not a major segment of the human diet. Our digestive system was established over several hundred thousand years to eat a diet of meats, vegetable, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Our bodies have a hard time digesting large amounts of wheat.
Those that eliminated wheat products from their diet, reported that they begin to feel better in 2-three weeks, and started dropping weight quickly. They also stated that headaches and digestive problems that they have endured for years, went away. Some find that  skin problems they were suffering from, also went away.
Next we’ll examine fruit juices:
I know! I know! Fruit is thought to be beneficial for your diet.
You are right, it is! However, drinking only the juice, and leaving behind the fiber and other helpful elements of the fruit, leaves you with only a high calorie liquid. This is what makes you fat. Consuming the whole fruit, gives you the extra fiber that you need to control your appetite. You also are more likely to want more, as fruit juice is very high in carbs.Â
The end result is that drinking too much fruit juice will make you fat. So, eat the whole fruit, and benefit from the fiber and other beneficial components to maintain a healthy diet.
There are many great diet plans out there to assist you in your attempt to lose weight.
Here is a place that may assist you in your efforts: Lose Fat and Tone Your Body.