Why Gastric band surgery ?
Body mass index is denoted as BMI in short. When people have higher body mass index value above normal they are declared obese. When the Body Mass Index value is above 40 ( over weight for more than five years ) and all strict exercises and diet controls gives only a short term result, the person goes for Gastric band surgery to reduce weight . It follows bariatric surgical procedure. This surgical technique is used for obese patients.
How is it performed ?
In this technique a prosthetic device which is made of silicon is introduced into the Gastrointestinal tract. This band like structure is adjustable. After inserting the band, it is placed around the upper part of the stomach region and stitched. By doing this the stomach is divided into two pouches.One is relatively smaller than the other. The smaller pouch is now used for digestive purpose so that the active digestive part of the stomach is reduced. As soon as the smaller pouch is filled with the food, he/she feels a state of fullness and so food intake is greatly reduced. This in turn reduces the food intake by the obese person.
The band introduced is adjustable by filling and dispensing fluids into the pouch of the band. Initially the pouch is connected to a reservoir tube that lies under the skin. This is placed during the Colonoscopy process. Gastric band surgery ensure seventy to seventy five percent of average excessive weight loss.
Benefits of undergoing Gastric band surgery :
!. It is very simple. It takes very minimal time to undergo this surgery.
2. There needs no longer hospital stay.
3. The band can be removed in case of any illness or during the pregnancy period.
4. It is suitable for almost all age groups and all kinds of body conditions.
5. The risk of malnutrition is low in Gastric Band surgery.
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