I saw a big discussion in a weight loss forum about what happens to fat cells after the fat is burned. There is good reason to be concerned about fat even after it is burned. Once your fat is burned, the fat cells remain ready and willing to store fat again.
These fat cells stand ready to be filled up again with new fat: they are smaller,but can still hold a lot of fat when necessary.Let’s look at what happens when fat is burned.
In order to be burned, fat is removed from the fat storage cells and sent to tissues that require energy in the form of free fatty acids. What presents the lean appearance is not that the fat cells are gone, but that the fat inside those cells has been used up. To learn how to lose weight fast, you will have to learn to burn fat.
In earlier times, biologists believe that the number of fat cells was constant once a person reaches adulthood. But now we know that cells that are used for fat storage not only can increase in size, but can increase in quantity as well. Certain stages of life make a person more apt to accumulate more fat cells, and some people seem more inclined to create more fat cells than others.
Since the body remains ready to accommodate large amounts of additional fat in the cells that continue to exist, it is able to replace the fat that has been burn quite easily. This should help you understand the importance of maintaining a regimen that burns fat: you can’t get rid of the fat cells, which you can keep those fat cells empty and small.
For information about how to lose weight fast go to www.fatlossfactor.com.