NONE! Is the answer
Ab workouts alone do not  raise your metabolism enough to cut your tummy fat.
There is no “miracle abdominal†work out or apparatus that will do this for you. Quit searching for the easy way out.
Ab gadgets and exercises won’t work to burn your Ab fat. You are just misusing time and energy.Completing the correct workout that will really reduce your body fat, is what you want to concentrate on. Want to know the secret? Focus on an whole body workout, and resistive exercising. Raise the intensity of your workouts, and take little pauses in between.
Here are some common mistakes that people make every day:
Folks misuse way too much time doing 100’s of dreary and useless crunches, sit ups, and other ‘abdominal specific’ exercises, in an attempt todrop their abdominal fat. Other, more effective exercises fuel your metabolism to increase hormone levels, and burn fat more successfully. These are not exercises that focus on your Ab muscles. Amazed
                                       Discover The Truth About Abs
Another big waste of time and energy is performing hours of tedious cardio routines. Many do not do cardio exercises right. This may actually drop the metabolism!
People make the mistake of pursuing the newest fad diets . Stay away from gimmicky diet fads. Low carb and low fat diets can actually work against your body. Realize that there is no ‘wonder’ pill or diet that will help you lose the weight you want, and keep it off. Instead focus on consuming a balanced, healthy diet that is not overly limiting. You will like it more, and it will be easier than you believe to drop the weight.
Bear in mind, no matter how intensely you work out, if your diet is full of junk, then your abdominals will be enclosed with ugly fat. One of the greatest ways to get those six pack Abs, is to eat a healthy diet!
You want to maximize your workouts by performing full body exercises (like lunges and squats), which boost your metabolism and stabilize your hormone levels. When you perform a full body workout, you indirectly work your entire midsection, even though you are not specifically targeting the Abs.
Keep it basic:
Stop squandering time focusing on sit-ups, crunches, leg raises, and all those silly worthless ‘Ab contraptions’, looking for that top abdominal workout for belly fat loss. Try a combination of multi-joint exercises, and high intensity full body lifts instead. Combine that with a healthy diet full of organic unprocessed whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and those elusive 6 pack Abs will be yours in no time!
               Discover more about toning your body and losing fat hereÂ